List of Redwall characters

There are many characters that have appeared in the Redwall series, including the books and television series written by Nick Danby.


Characters in Redwall

Asmodeus Poisonteeth

Asmodeus Poisonteeth was a giant male adder who lived in an old sandstone quarry north-east of Redwall Abbey. He was also called "Giant Ice Eyes" by the shrews due to his possession of hypnotic powers. He had been known to hiss his name, and was unwittingly found by two of Cluny the Scourge's officers while dragging off another of his captain's corpses. For several years he had possessed the Sword of Martin, which he took from the sparrow King Bull Sparra. The mouse Matthias ventured into the adder's nest in search of Martin's sword. The serpent was found sleeping in the cave in which Asmodeus held the legendary sword. Matthias retrieved the sword but Log-a-log, the leader of the shrews, ran in and shouted hysterically on spotting the corpse of his shrew comrade Guosim, and the snake came awake. With the sword he had taken, the mouse warrior quickly dug a hole out of the cave, and he was pulled out of the den by Log-a-log. The snake gave chase, and was stuck in the small hole. He tried to hypnotize the two creatures but a vision of Martin the Warrior came in Matthias's thoughts and he broke out of the snake's evil look. There, the reptile was destroyed, having his head cut off by the great sword's unbreakable edge.

In the book, Asmodeus's role is fairly neutral—he is not good, he is not evil: he's just hungry and greedy

Asmodeus killed Cluny's captain Ragear, besides the shrew named Guosim.

Asmodeus is voiced in the TV series by David Hemblen and by Nick Baty in the full-cast audiobook.

Basil Stag Hare

Basil Stag Hare was an anthropomorphic hare in the Redwall series of books by Brian Jacques. He was voiced by Richard Binsley in the animated series, by Ron Delacruz in the full-cast audiobook of Redwall and by Simon Smithies in the audiobook of Mattimeo.

Basil was a member of the Fur and Foot Fighters' and the Forty-Seventh Hare Border Rangers. (Redwall). Due to his admiration for stags, he took his second name for the creature. Basil is an expert in camouflage, and is well known for his appetite, as is the case with most hares. He lived alone in Mossflower Woods and became a close ally of Matthias. Soon thereafter, he moved into Redwall Abbey, and assisted Matthias in rescuing kidnapped Dibbuns, Redwall Abbeybabes, from Slagar the Cruel.

Basil Stag Hare also assisted Matthias in the first book of the Redwall series, Redwall. He distracts Cluny's gang of vermin while Matthias sneaks into the church, trying to steal back the tapestry of Martin the Warrior. Unfortunately, Cluny is using it as their flag and he has already left.

In the sequel to Redwall (Mattimeo) Basil accompanies Matthias on his quest to rescue his son Mattimeo, and a group of other kidnapped children.

Jess Squirrel

Jess Squirrel is an anthropomorphic squirrel who appears in Redwall and Mattimeo from the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. She is voiced by Susan Roman in the animated series, by Eithne Brown in the Redwall full-cast audiobook, and Sandra Billinge in the Mattimeo audiobook.

Jess Squirrel and her family lived in Mossflower when Redwall Abbey came under attack by Cluny the Scourge. Jess and her family came to Redwall after her son led Matthias there, and they decided to remain there while the battle for Redwall waged. Jess, with her reputation as a champion climber, volunteered to scale the Abbey to retrieve the Sword of Martin from the weathervane, although she was attacked by sparrows when she reached and forced to climb back down again. She reported that there were old rusty wires where sword had probably once been, but it was not there.

Shortly afterwards, Jess and Basil Stag Hare concocted a plan to retrieve the stolen tapestry of Martin from Cluny, who was using it as a banner. They travelled to Saint Ninian's, and with distraction, taunts, and a false picture of Martin on a dishcloth they were able to snatch it, passing it to each other like relay runners as they fled. Basil was slightly injured in the escape, so Jess took the false banner and continued to taunt and chase the hordebeasts, taking to the trees. Cluny himself came to try and wheedle her into giving back the banner with a mixture of threats and false promises about the safety of her family. Jess almost fell to his bait, but decided to play it off as though she believed him and gave him the false banner, then laughed when Cluny saw it was fake. She solemnly reported the loss of the dishcloth to Friar Hugo when she and Basil returned to the Abbey.

Later, when her son Sam was kidnapped by Slagar the Cruel, she set out with Matthias and Basil Stag Hare to pursue the fox and fought in the battle in the underground city of Malkariss.


Methuselah is an anthropomorphic mouse. Methuselah was voiced by Colin Bean in the full-cast audiobook.

Methuselah is one of the oldest members of Redwall. He has seen many an Abbot and Abbess come and go, he has seen the Summer of the Late Rose thrice, and he has spent untold years studying the languages of all animals, as well as the history of Redwall and Mossflower Country. He is a Recorder, and therefore the Gatekeeper, because the two positions have remained together since the foundation of the Abbey. Only after many years is the Recorder separated from the Gates. Methuselah took a special interest in the saga of Martin the Warrior, consequently taking interest in Matthias, in whom he saw many of the traits that distinguish a hero, going so far as to aid Matthias in finding the Sword of Martin.

Methuselah met his death after restoring a tear in the tapestry of Martin the Warrior. The young fox Chickenhound (who later became Slagar the Cruel) was desperately trying to escape from Redwall with a sack of stolen jewelry, and when Methuselah tried to stop him, the fox struck him over the head with the heavy sack, unintentionally killing him.

Later, one of the two new Redwall bells was named after Methuselah, in his remembrance.

Cluny the Scourge

Cluny the Scourge, an anthropomorphic rat, is the antagonist of the novel. Cluny is voiced on the TV series by Diego Matamoros, and by Jason Mulhearn in the full-cast audiobook (Mulhearn performed the character with a distinctive Spanish accent).

He is an evil leader with an eye patch on his right eye and a poisoned barb on his unusually long tail, which is physically used as a whip (or in some cases, a fifth limb). He had a long ragged black cloak made of bat wings, fastened at the throat with a mole skull. Cluny is plagued in his dreams by the guardian spirit of Redwall, Martin the Warrior. According to the first chapters of the book, Cluny the Scourge is said to be a Portuguese rat (this being one of the few references to the human world in the whole series). However, his true origins are uncertain, and it is also speculated that he was born in a jungle.

Cluny grew up as a searat, but came ashore with his army seeking plunder and destruction. His atrocities were told about across the land, though most believed him a story for frightening children. He committed many crimes, including the death of Matthias' family in the TV series. He came to Mossflower seeking to take over, wanting to make Redwall Abbey into "Cluny's Castle". He expected little difficulty in defeating the inexperienced Redwallers, but was thwarted time and time again by their bravery and ingenuity.

Cluny's efforts were further hampered by nightmares of Martin the Warrior. Cluny kept envisioning the warrior mouse, often with some other fell image with him, such as Cluny's dead soldier or the serpent Asmodeus. Despite this, Cluny pressed on. However, his plans, which included a battering ram, tunneling, getting onto the walls using a siege tower or plank stretched from a tree, and stealing the tapestry of Martin the Warrior, all failed.

Cluny eventually managed to get into Redwall by threatening the family of a dormouse he had captured. The lead dormouse, named Plumpen, snuck into Redwall and opened the main gate while everyone else was asleep. Cluny's horde broke in, capturing the defenders and taking over. Cluny was about to kill Abbot Mortimer when Matthias, returning from his journey to find the Sword of Martin, attacked with an army of Guosim shrews and sparrows. Cluny's horde was defeated, and Cluny himself perished at the warrior's hand when Matthias cut down the Joseph Bell, crushing Cluny to death. However, the poison from the barb on the end of Cluny's tail was already taking effect on the abbot by the time Matthias returned to him.

Cluny is portrayed as a good general and a fine tactician and is one of the three vermin invaders ever to make it into the Great Hall of the Abbey (the others being the raven General Ironbeak in Mattimeo and the Marlfoxes of Marlfox) and the only one to invade "en masse", but he is still driven out by the Redwallers in the end. Cluny was a savage and skilled fighter (he was said to have slain a pike, which he lost his eye to) and even Matthias the Warrior could not best him physically. He was only killed when he is crushed by the Joseph Bell of Redwall Abbey while fighting the mouse hero. His main weapon was his tail, from which he took his name, but in his battle with Matthias, he wielded a metal spike taken from a church fence. His main outfit for battle was a set of armor with the horns of a stag beetle attached to the helmet.

Cluny's Horde


Cornflower is an anthropomorphic mouse in the Redwall series of books by Brian Jacques. She was voiced by Rachel Murphy in the full-cast audiobook of Redwall and by Alison Pill and Melissa McIntyre in the television series of Redwall and Mattimeo, respectively.

Cornflower is the pretty and kind young fieldmouse whom Matthias fell in love with. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fieldmouse, and after marrying Matthias, becomes mother of Mattimeo and grandmother of Martin the Second. She is a skilled cook and often wore headbands.

In Redwall, Cornflower was of great help to Redwall Abbey during the Late Rose Summer War and was able to fend off Cluny the Scourge during one of his attacks. She threw a lantern onto his siege tower which caused it to burst into flames.

In Mattimeo, when Redwall was under attack by General Ironbeak, Cornflower came up with an idea to dress up as the ghost of Martin the Warrior to scare the superstitious birds. Her plan worked, and the rooks and magpies became extremely frightened. She would have continued her masquerade, but Abbot Mordalfus then told her to stop because she could have been killed. Matthias and Mattimeo still were not home yet, and Cornflower began to get very worried. But finally, as she was staring out from the walltop, she saw them coming back and ran down to greet them.

She does not like combat, but in Redwall she happened to be on the parapet when Cluny attacked and threw her lantern at the siege tower to set it alight.

Characters in Mossflower

Gonff the Mousethief

Gonff the Mousethief is an anthropomorphic mouse. Gonff was voiced by Dave Foode in the full-cast audiobook of Mossflower. The character of Gonff is based on the author Brian Jacques as a young boy.

Known as the Prince of Mousethieves, a troublemaker and composer of songs and poems, Gonff was a humorous character. An orphaned woodland mouse in the time when Mossflower was dominated by Verdauga Greeneyes, Gonff was raised by and later became a member of the Corim, the resistance to the wildcat's tyranny. With skills of stealth and mimicry learned from just about every type of woodland creature, mainly the otters, whom Gonff even went so far as to mimic in speech, he regularly raided the larders of Castle Kotir.

Eventually, Gonff was caught and thrown in a cell with Martin the Warrior. With help from the Corim, the two escaped and became best friends, Gonff always following along on Martin's journeys. Upon returning to the Corim camp, Gonff fell in love with a lovely mouse from Loamhedge Abbey named Columbine. Gonff accompanied Martin on the journey to Salamandastron, and upon their return and victory over Tsarmina, Verdauga's daughter, he married Columbine.

The two took up residence at Redwall Abbey, along with their son, a chip off his father's block. Gonff accompanied Martin and several others on another journey, this time to learn the fate of Martin's father, Luke the Warrior. Along the way, they met an orphan squirrel named Chugger, whom Gonff later adopted.

In Doomwyte there is a band of mice called the Gonfelins who think that they are the descendents of Gonff. They might be or might not. Bisky and Samolus, two mice, are also descendents of Gonff. When these two mice meet the Gonfelins, Bisky falls in love with Spingo, one of the Gonfelin mice. Later, they are wed and give birth to a baby mouse.

Gonff's line would continue for some years, his heroic qualities expressing themselves in his descendant Dandin the Sword Carrier, and Bryony, his great-granddaughter. Gonff rarely participated in battle, his best weapon being his wit. But when he did, he usually used a dagger and a sling. However, he used a pike against Ripfang's searats. He was friendly with all decent Mossflower residents, knowing many of their customs and speaking in their manners. He was also a player of the reed flute, though he was once offered a wooden one crafted by Abbess Germaine. He declined, and the flute later passed on to Dandin.


Columbine is an anthropomorphic mouse.

Columbine is originally from an abbey called Loamhedge, and comes to Mossflower with Abbess Germaine and other mice who were forced to leave Loamhedge when a deadly plague threatens their lives. She falls in love with Gonff the Mousethief, and is saddened when he accompanies Martin the Warrior on the quest to Salamandastron. She marries Gonff after he returns, and the self-proclaimed ruler of Mossflower, Tsarmina, is defeated. Gonff and Columbine have a son, also named Gonff, the day the gates of Redwall Abbey open.


Fortunata is an anthropomorphic fox.

She was a traitorous healer fox originally hired by Lord Verdauga Greeneyes to heal him of his illness. However, she secretly agreed to poison him on behalf of his daughter, Tsarmina. Once Verdauga was dead and Tsarmina firmly in charge, Fortunata received a high rank in her army. This, however, was exploited by the Corim, the resistance to Tsarmina's tyranny, who sent an otter called the Mask (Skipper's brother) disguised as a fox called Patchcoat to make Fortunata believe that two hedgehogs had escaped from the prison of Kotir, and Fortunata fled. She masqueraded as "Besomtail" during this, but was eventually killed by the Corim.

Tsarmina Greeneyes

Tsarmina Greeneyes is an anthropomorphic wildcat and the main antagonist.

Tsarmina was a scheming, wicked villain, who lacked her father's honour and her brother's fairness. When Martin the Warrior was brought before them, she demanded his execution, but her father had him imprisoned instead, to be released, escorted to the edge of their territory, and given back his sword at a later time. Tsarmina broke the weapon's blade, tying a rope around the handle and placing it about Martin's neck as a sign of his encounter with them. Enraged, Martin swore to kill her.

Murder was committed soon after, but not by Martin. Tsarmina, conspiring with her father's treacherous advisors, poisoned Verdauga and framed Gingivere for it. Taking over as queen of Kotir, she locked up her brother and sought to enforce her rule. However, she met resistance in the form of the Corim, the organisation that was set up to oppose her and her father.

Tsarmina's plans were thwarted time and again by the determined woodlanders. She found herself menaced by them, treacherous members of her own troops, and an old eagle named Argulor(Who is determined to eat her, or another of her officers). Things were made worse as Martin and Gingivere escaped, leaving her looking foolish. As time went on, her sanity began to decay, and she began thinking that her brother was behind everything. She also kept imagining herself drowning in water, which filled her with terror. Her empire crumbled and her nightmares became reality when her enemies flooded Castle Kotir and destroyed her forces. She met Martin in one-on-one combat, and wounded him drastically. However, he stubbornly refused to submit, and drove her into the lake created by Kotir's flooding, causing her nightmare to become real.

Tsarmina's Horde

Verdauga Greeneyes

Verdauga Greeneyes is an anthropomorphic wildcat. Verdauga was voiced by Dave Foode in the full-cast audiobook. The name "Verdauga" is a Latin derivation meaning "green eyes."

Verdauga was a warlord of Mossflower Woods, who ruled the fortress Kotir with the Thousand Eye Army. He was the son of Highland King Mortspear, the younger brother of Ungatt Trunn, and the father of Tsarmina and Gingivere. He hailed from the far north and settled in the abandoned fortress of Kotir to rule the native woodlanders for many seasons.

A leader of flair, his many titles included Master of the Thousand Eyes, Lord of Mossflower, Slayer of Enemies, and Ruler of Kotir. Late in his old age he suffered from an unknown illness and was tricked and poisoned by the joint efforts of his healer, Fortunata, and his treacherous daughter, Tsarmina, who took over his position.

Verdauga is known to be one of the more merciful warlords and certainly a just ruler, as he spared the life of Martin the Warrior after having his guards bring him to Kotir for trespassing. Despite his mercy towards Martin, in previous years he was the opposite, having driven the tribe of Luke the Warrior out of St. Ninian's.


Gingivere is a name applying to two characters from the Redwall book series.

The first Gingivere was a wildcat, son of Verdauga Greeneyes, brother of Tsarmina, and nephew of Ungatt Trunn. Gingivere was a gentle, honorable creature, unlike his sister. When Martin the Warrior was captured by a Kotir patrol and brought before Verdauga, Gingivere advised his father to have Martin escorted to the edge of Mossflower Woods and told never to return. Not willing to allow Gingivere to take the throne she coveted, Tsarmina framed him for the poisoning of their father, which she herself orchestrated. Gingivere was locked up, and his name was forbidden from speech in Kotir. Gingivere clearly saw who was truly guilty, and accused his sister of the murder.

In the time that followed, Gingivere became gaunt and despairing. Fortunately, his positivity was restored when he found himself neighbored by the young hedgehogs Ferdy and Coggs. Amused by the little creatures' childishness, and their calling him Uncle, Gingivere soon became hopeful, and even orchestrated an arrangement with his sisters' enemies to escape with the two young hogs. Their escape came in the form of the otter disguise master known as the Mask, who helped them break out. Unfortunately, Mask was fatally wounded, and died before they could make it back. Feeling duty bound to the otter for saving him and his young friends, Gingivere carried the limp form to where it could be put to rest.

After a short time spent with the resistance, Gingivere departed, not wanting to increase Tsarmina's determination to destroy them with his presence. After journeying for a time, he met a beautiful female cat, Sandingomm, and settled down with her. Becoming a farmer, Gingivere sheltered the children and non-fighters of the resistance when they came seeking refuge.

Squire Julian Gingivere was a descendent of the original Gingivere. Living in a barn some distance from Redwall, Julian was odd among cats in the fact that he was a vegetarian. He lived with the owl Captain Snow, but the owl's appetite for meat, his bad table manners and their conflicting personalities led to a disagreement and then separation.

During his search for Snow, young Matthias of Redwall came across Julian. The two became friends, and Julian took Matthias to see Snow. After Matthias learned what he wanted, he set out after Asmodeus. He later came back to see Julian, and brought him along to meet Captain Snow. Extracting an apology from Snow, Matthias soon had the two back together, the disagreement forgotten. Julian later came with Snow to Redwall, where they killed the last members of Cluny the Scourge's horde as they tried to escape. He was voiced by Paul Denemy in the full-cast audiobook, and on the animated TV series by Keith Knight.

Characters in Mattimeo

Slagar the Cruel

Slagar the Cruel (born Chickenhound) is an anthropomorphic fox and the main antagonist of Mattimeo.

He has many hidden plans and reasons which he only reveals by his own free will. Although only named in one book, he also appears in another book from the same series, adding to his mysterious history. Although he is the main villain, he himself is second to another, greater villain in all but his own plans. His most characteristic trait is his desire for revenge and his pursuit of it, leaving death and misery in its wake. He was voiced by Simon Smithies in the full-cast audiobook of Redwall (as Chickenhound) and by Paul Braithwaite in Mattimeo, and by Tim Curry in the animated series.

Slagar revealed himself as Chickenhound, the young fox from Redwall, to Mattimeo during their journey. He gave Mattimeo a biased story in which he was an innocent youngster whom the Redwallers were responsible for injuring, and he had personified them in Matthias. In truth, he was the son of the healer- Sela. His mother was a traitor to both the horde of Cluny the Scourge they were employed by, and the Redwall creatures who took them in, to exploit the most benefit from each side. Chickenhound was Sela's assistant in her plans.

Cluny suspected the foxes were planning to double-cross him, and set a trap to expose them. They were caught, and Cluny ordered their execution by spearing. Sela was slain, but Chickenhound survived and dragged himself wounded to Redwall. He was cared for in the infimary, and told the Redwallers about Cluny's plans to tunnel into the abbey, an act that quite likely saved Redwall from being conquered. After he recovered, he began to believe that he was being imprisoned and escaped, stealing valuables on his way out. Pursued by the Redwallers, he accidentally killed an old mouse named Methuselah in his haste to escape.

Running for his life, Chickenhound hid in an old log where Asmodeus Poisonteeth found and bit him, ripping away half the skin on his face. Chickenhound escaped from the snake's lair and nursed himself back to health with the 'art of the healers'. His face remained horribly disfigured by the wound, and so Chickenhound began wearing a harlequin hood to conceal it. His mind was warped by the venom, and he began to believe the Redwallers responsible for his condition. Eventually he renamed himself - becoming Slagar the Cruel - and began to plot his revenge.

Slagar was a prolific slaver. This also demonstrated that although his most driving ultimatum was his revenge on Redwall, he also had some other plan for collecting the slaves. Eventually, it is discovered that he acts as a slaver for Malkariss, a speaking statue which contained a prideful polecat, in an underground city of rats. Slagar had been slaving for many seasons before he came to Redwall, as he had allied with Malkariss to provide him with new slaves. He had become infamous even before his attempt at Redwall and therefore, although not in view of Redwall, had made slaving a practice, but not his future.

Slagar's future, as he determined it, was the command of the evil realm of Malkariss within the ruins of old Loamhedge, the abbey that preceded Redwall. His plans centered on bringing the unfortunate young slaves to Malkariss, to align himself with the evil forces within. The lust for sweet revenge drove him on to kidnapping Mattimeo and the Redwall young ones, but his insatiable hunger for power - and having his reward delayed - drove him to plot further to overthrow his master and rule the above and the below lands. Yet, before he could do this, the warriors of Redwall and Mossflower destroyed Malkariss and freed the slaves. Slagar met with the bitter fate of being chased until he fell down a well leading into the depths of the earth, never to be seen again.


Malkariss is the ultimate antagonist of Mattimeo; Slagar, the antagonist for most of the book, is his servant. Malkariss is the evil ruler of a hellish underground kingdom where animals work as slaves to build a city for him whilst he resides within an immense and terrifying statue of a demonic polecat. He issues his orders to his slaves via his High Priest, Nadaz, a rat.

The main protagonists of the story, Matthias the Warrior and his comrades Orlando the Axe, a badger warrior, Basil Stag Hare (a hare), Jess the Squirrel, Jabez Stump (a hedgehog), and Cheek the Otter discover the Kingdom of Malkariss when Matthias's son, Mattimeo, the titular character, Orlando's daughter, and various others are kidnapped and taken there by Slagar. After a long journey they find the entrance to the Kingdom at the heart of a somewhat menacing wilderness. In the underground kingdom they challenge Malkariss, Nadaz and Slagar in Malkariss's palace. Matthias does battle with a monstrous hybrid called the Wearet. During the battle, a basket is lowered down from Malkariss's statue and into The Void, a pit beneath the walkway upon which Matthias and the Wearet are duelling.

The fight climaxes with Matthias falling into The Void. He lands on the basket and bounces off. The basket opens and Malkariss emerges. He is revealed to be an ancient, weak, frail and repulsive polecat which picks up Matthias's sword, ominously saying "You have looked upon Malkariss. You must die." Before he can slay the mouse, however, Malkariss's slaves arrive and upon recognising their tyrant master proceed to pelt him to death with stones and rocks.

Nadaz assumes temporary management of the underground Kingdom and takes refuge within Malkariss's statue, but is killed when Orlando and Matthias demolish the statue.

The Kingdom of Malkariss is revealed to be the ruins of an ancient and forgotten kingdom named Loamhedge which Malkariss is presumably trying to rebuild. However, Malkariss does not appear in Jacques's novel Loamhedge and his origins remain unknown.


The name Wearet applies to several characters in the Redwall novel series by Brian Jacques. Wearets are massive vermin, crosses between weasels and ferrets.

A minion of the evil Malkariss, the Slavemaster Wearet appeared in answer to the challenge of Matthias of Redwall Abbey. He proved to be a daunting opponent to the mouse warrior, armed with a weighted net and stabbing spear. After a long battle, the Slavemaster was able to knock Matthias off the ledge they were battling on, seemingly killing him. However, his victory was short lived, as he fell under the mad charge of Orlando the Axe and Matthias' other companions.

Likely a descendant of the first Wearet, Kharanjul is the trident wielding ruler of the Abyss near Malkariss' former domain. Commander of a horde of assorted vermin, some of them likely descendants of the horde of Malkariss, Kharanjul was a massive warrior. He served to block the path of a group of Redwallers as they made their way home from Loamhedge Abbey. However, he was slain when the massive tree trunk he and his horde stood upon was tipped into the Abyss by Bragoon and Saro. He was voiced by Ron Delacruz.

In the new book coming out in 2011, The Rogue Crew, there is a crew of evil searats and corsairs, led by Razzid Wearat, captain of the infamous ship Greenshroud. Since the book has not been released yet, little information is known about this character.

Characters in Mariel of Redwall

Mariel Gullwhacker

Mariel Gullwhacker is a fictional character, an anthropomorphic mouse from the Redwall series of books by Brian Jacques. Mariel was voiced by Keddy Sutton in the full-cast audiobook of Mariel of Redwall.

The daughter of Joseph the Bellmaker, Mariel accompanied her father on the voyage to deliver the Joseph Bell to Rawnblade Widestripe of Salamandastron. Along the way, they were captured by searats, and Mariel was enslaved. However, when her master, Gabool the Wild, came at her with a sword, she bested him. As a result, she was thrown into the raging sea.

Mariel washed up on the shores of Mossflower Country, her memories blocked due to an injury suffered at sea. Taking the name Storm Gullwhacker, she set off into the woods, eventually coming to Redwall Abbey. She later remembered who she was as a result of hearing a poem recited by Saxtus, one of the Abbey mice. After recovering her memories, she set out with several companions, including her good friend Dandin the Sword Carrier, to face Gabool and find her father.

Mariel and her friends had several adventures along the way, eventually meeting up with Rawnblade as the Badger Lord made his own way to Gabool's fortress. Arriving on the isle of Terramort, she teamed up with the resistance led by her father Joseph to depose Gabool. Mariel later came back to Redwall with her father, but departed with Dandin to seek adventure together.

Four seasons later, the duo became involved in the war against the evil Urgan Nagru. They fought gallantly alongside many allies, including the arriving Joseph. After Nagru was slain by Finnbarr Galedeep, they returned to Redwall for a time, before leaving again to "see what what was over the horizon" with Dandin and a young hedgehog called Bowly Pintips.

Mariel's main weapon was a knotted piece of rope. Its name, Gullwhacker, came from the fact that Mariel first used it to ward off hungry seabirds. The original Gullwhacker, carried in the quest against Gabool, was later tied to the end of the rope used to ring the Great Joseph Bell. Mariel later crafted other Gullwhackers, and as a skilled warrior could wield just about any weapon.

Durry Quill

Durry Quill is an anthropomorphic hedgehog from the Redwall novels by Brian Jacques. He was voiced by Greg Longridge in the audiobook Mariel of Redwall and by Dave Foode in the framing scenes for Martin the Warrior.

As a young hedgehog, Durry grew up being trained as a Cellarhog by his beloved uncle Gabriel Quill. However, upon learning of the quest of Mariel Gullwhacker and Dandin the Sword Carrier, he decided to accompany them. The young hog's logic and knowledge of healing poultices proved invaluable in the journey to do battle with Gabool the Wild. Like his friends, Durry was a captain of the Trag resistance alongside Badger Lord Rawnblade Widestripe of Salamandastron and Joseph the Bellmaker.

Four seasons later, Durry had replaced his late uncle as Cellarhog of Redwall Abbey. However, he was one of five chosen, along with his friend Rufe Brush, to journey to the land of Southsward and help Mariel and Dandin battle Urgan Nagru. Along the way, Durry was mentored in the ways of the warrior by the sea otter Finnbarr Galedeep. After the battle ended, Durry was given one of the otter's swords for his bravery, which he named Finnbarr in honor of its deceased former owner. Durry returned to Redwall, and later assisted Rufe in telling the story to a group of Dibbuns.

Durry commonly wielded an assortment of daggers, but his usual attack method was to roll up in a ball, protecting himself and injuring enemies with his sharp spikes.

Gabool the Wild

Gabool the Wild is an anthropomorphic rat. Gabool is voiced in the full-cast audiobook by Simon Smithies.

Known as King of the Searats and Warlord of the Seas, Gabool was a pirate monarch whose fortress lay on the island of Terramort. Gabool terrorized the seas for years, following in the footsteps of many tyrants of Mossflower. Gabool's last great plunder was the Joseph Bell, and the capture of Joseph the Bellmaker and Mariel Gullwhacker. However, Gabool was humiliated when Mariel, a mere girl, defeated him in a duel.

Throwing Mariel to the sea, Gabool later did the same to Joseph when the mouse refused to build a tower for his new bell. As his plans began to fail, Gabool began going insane, dreaming of Mariel, the bell, and a massive Badger Lord, and hallucinating the sounding of the bell when it was silent. Gabool's insanity went so far as killing several of his own captains, such as Flogga, Saltar, and Bluddrig.

Gabool's nightmares came true when Mariel returned, leading an army of resistance forces and accompanied by the Bloodwrath-taken Rawnblade Widestripe. Despite trapping Rawnblade in a pit with a giant scorpion, Gabool was killed when the badger threw the scorpion out of the pit onto Gabool, and the creature stung him to death.

Rufe Brush

Rufe Brush is an anthropomorphic squirrel. In the audiobook, he was voiced by Paul Braithwaite.

Rufe lived all his life at Redwall Abbey with friends like Dandin the Sword Carrier and Durry Quill. Serious and not given to much emotion, Rufe was among the more business-like creatures at Redwall. After Dandin and Durry departed in the company of mousemaid Mariel, Rufe helped defend the Abbey against a searat invasion. After the great Joseph the Bellmaker came to Redwall, Rufe carried the Sword of Martin up to the Abbey weathervane. He was also appointed Abbey bellringer.

Rufe's own chance for adventure came when Martin the Warrior chose him as one of five to journey to Southsward to aid Dandin and Mariel in the battle against Urgan Nagru. Rufe was reluctant, having lived in Redwall all his life, but he persevered bravely with the help of several friends, including Joseph the Bellmaker, Finnbarr Galedeep, and a shrew named Fatch. As a result of his bravery in the battle, Rufe received one of Finnbarr's swords following the otter's death. In memory of his fallen comrades, he named the sword Fatch, since his shrew friend had given his life to save Rufe. Rufe would return to Redwall, where he spent the rest of his life. He later told the tale of his adventure to a group of Dibbuns.

He was mentioned as "Rufe Brushtail" in the book Salamandastron.

The Honourable Rosemary

The Honourable Rosemary (known also as Hon Rosie), is a female anthropomorphic hare. She is a major character in 'Mariel of Redwall', and even more so in its successor, 'The Bellmaker'. In both books, she is renowned especially for her skill with a sling, bow, javelin etc., earning her the nickname 'Hawkeye', and for her annoying tendency to laugh tremendously at the most inappropirate of times.

She is a member of The Long Patrol, the army of fighting hares who serve Rawnblade Widestripe, the badger lord of Salamandastron, the extinct volcano by the sea.

In 'Mariel of Redwall', Rosie is a good friend and comrade of Colonel Clary and Brigadier Thyme, also of the Long Patrol. Sadly, both hares are killed while fighting against overwhelming odds. Rosie, who takes part in the same battle herself, very nearly dies of her many grievous injuries, but does not because Flagg the otter, from Redwall, and Mother Mellus, badger mother of Redwall, find her while hunting down the searats responsible for the deaths of the hares.

Rosemary's ardent admirer, Tarquin L. Woodsorrel, another anthropomorphic hare, chases after her in 'Mariel of Redwall'. He remains firmly convinced that he is the apple of her eye, and he composes atrocious love ballads in her name. At the end of the book, we learn that he has married Hon Rosie, and that they have had several baby hares (leverets).

In 'The Bellmaker', Rosie is chosen by the spirit of Martin the Warrior to leave her husband at the Abbey and to embark upon a quest to find Mariel 'Gullwhacker' and her friend, Dandin the Sword Carrier, along with Mariel's father, (Joseph the Bellmaker), Rufe Brush (the Abbey bell-ringer), Durry Quill (the Abbey cellarhog) and Foremole (the head of moles in Redwall Abbey). The five set out to find the two adventurers. They meet some good friends on the way, and in the battle that takes place at the end of the book between the woodlanders of Mossflower Woods and the tyrant fox, 'The Urgan Nagru', over the land called 'Southsward', these friends help them to win the war. Four of the travellers, including The Honourable Rosemary, return safely to the Abbey with Mariel and Dandin, but Joseph chooses to stay with the inhabitants of Southsward to help them rebuild their homes. Hon Rosie settles back into the quiet Abbey life with her husband, Tarquin, and their leverets.

Characters in Salamandastron


Samkim is an anthropomorphic squirrel. He was named after a Redwall fan, Samantha Kim, who wrote a letter to Jacques saying why she would be a good character for his books.[1][2]

Samkim was an archer, causing much trouble whenever he used his bow. When Brother Hal was found dead with an arrow in his neck and Samkim sitting nearby with the bow in his hands, the first reaction was to accuse Samkim (indeed, Friar Bellows, on his way to the kitchens and the first to discover Samkin and Brother Hal, took this action). However, two stoats named Dingeye and Thura, taking refuge at Redwall, were the real perpetrators. Samkim is in shock and is moved into the infirmary while the Abbey elders discuss the incident and the disappearance of Martin the Warrior's sword. As they are doing this, Samkin's friend Arula eavesdrops on the conversation and goes to tell Samkim, and together they leave the Abbey to track down the stoats and recover the Sword of Martin.

Samkim finds Thura, already dead, in an area of Mossflower woods; he had died of a sickness called Dryditch fever. A hedgehog called Spriggat discovers Dingeye's body, headless. All three of them then learn trackers were sent from Ferahgo the Assassin's horde to find and kill the stoats, from a family of rabbits (though they speak ambiguously of it). They then set off to ambush the group of trackers and recover Martin the Warrior's sword.

Samkim reclaims the sword after its carrier, a fox called Dethbrush, was slain by a monster called the Deepcoiler during a duel between Samkim and the vermin on a logboat. Samkim, within moments of reclaiming the sword, loses it again as he stabs it into the roof of the Deepcoiler's mouth. The sword plunges deep into the creature's brain and it sinks into the water before Samkin can take the sword back. The Deepcoiler luckily washes up on an island the next day and the sword of Martin the Warrior is retrieved by the young badger Mara (another main character in the book).


Arula is an anthropomorphic mole from the Redwall series. She is one of the main characters in the book Salamandastron. She is the grandmother of Burrem, a Dibbun mole who listens to a story told by Dumble, who is a Dibbun himself in the main narrative.

Arula was the friend of Samkim the squirrel. After the stoats Dingeye and Thura accidentally killed Redwall's recorder, Brother Hal, and stole the Sword of Martin, Arula went with Samkim to retrieve the sword. She also buries Thura, the first animal killed by Dryditch Fever.

Arula is among the army led against Ferahgo the Assassin to aid Salamandastron's hares and Badger Lord, Urthstripe. She and the other troops are led by Urthwyte, the albino brother of Urthstripe.

Near the end of the novel, Arula discovers a spring of cold water deep in Salamandastron, making it invulnerable to siege.

Her name comes from a Redwall fan named Laura, who gave Brian Jacques a curriculum vitae with reasons why she would make a good mole character.[3]

Brother Hal

Brother Hal is a minor character in the fictional series Redwall by Brian Jacques, appearing in the book Salamandastron. He is a recorder mouse of Redwall Abbey; it is his job to write down events and keep a record of everything that happens. He dies early on in the book as a result of an archery accident caused by two stoats, Dingeye and Thura, who were visiting Redwall. Thereafter, the stoats promptly leave, framing a young squirrel named Samkim for the crime, and take the Sword of Martin with them, which has only just recently been recovered. After escaping his imprisonment, Samkim and his sidekick Arula to set out on a quest to recover Martin the Warrior's sword and bring it back to Redwall Abbey.

Ferahgo the Assassin

Ferahgo the Assassin is the main antagonist. He is an anthropomorphic weasel of average maturity, brown fur, and cold blue eyes. Like his son Klitch, he is quite handsome and charming, hiding a cruel viciousness beneath this persona. It is said that the more he smiles, the more dangerous he becomes. His normal outfit consists of a yellow tunic with a red vest, a fur loin cloth, and a knife belt. He is commonly known as just Ferahgo.

He is the only weasel to be the main antagonist in a Redwall novel.

Ferahgo was known to have an unpredictable personality, switching moods quickly from calm to dangerous. He is very greedy, and often went overboard with his greed, as shown with Sickear. He was also known to trick others into doing things for him, with his blue eyes and clever skills. He smiled a soothing, disarming smile quite often, and despite its soothingness, it usually meant death for someone.

As described in the earlier part of Salamandastron, Ferahgo is an accurate thrower of his skinning knives, once taking the ear off a stoat called Migroo when he failed to do Ferahgo's bidding. Ferahgo is also capable of skinning any soldier among his horde of Corpsemakers; although it has never actually been described in Salamandastron, he has hinted at it several times by saying things like "There's a fresh edge on my skinning knife which I haven't used yet."

Although never described in complete detail, Ferahgo killed the parents of Urthstripe the Strong and Urthwyte the Mighty, and stole a medal previously belonging to them, which he wore around his neck for the majority of the novel.

A few seasons later, the assassin traveled to the northern lands, and sought to take over the mountain of Salamandastron. However, he was opposed by Urthstripe and his army of hares (the Long Patrol). Along with his treacherous son Klitch, the poisoner fox Farran, and his horde (the Corpsemakers), the weasel laid siege to the mountain. Later, when an army of Urthstripe's allies (led by his brother Urthwyte) arrived, Ferahgo reached Urthstripe atop Salamandastron and fought him. They were both killed during the battle.

Ferahgo's Horde

Dingeye and Thura

Dingeye was a soldier in Ferahgo the Assassin's horde. He and his friend Thura deserted the horde and wandered about aimlessly until they eventually ended up at Redwall Abbey. There, they were treated as guests, although they repaid the woodlanders by accidentally shooting Brother Hal in the neck with a bow and arrow. Afraid they would suffer dire consequences, the two stoats stole Martin the Warrior's sword and fled into Mossflower Woods.

When Thura soon died of the dreaded Dryditch Fever in the depths of Mossflower, Dingeye continued without him, only to be caught up with by Dethbrush, Ferahgo's tracker, who beheaded him and took the sword.


Klitch is an anthropomorphic weasel. He is the son of Ferahgo the Assassin, and resembles him closely. The young weasel is described as being attractive, intelligent, and cunning. His normal attire includes a bright yellow tunic and a plumed beret.

Klitch first appears when he infiltrates Salamandastron by befriending the badger Mara, succeeding in gaining her trust and gaining admission to the stronghold. He then betrays and imprisons her, and aids his father in the siege of Salamandastron. Later on, after a unsuccessful plot to kill his father, Ferahgo the Assassin approaches Klitch and informs of the failed attempt. Klitch, knowing nothing of the plot, answers his father of his innocence in the plot. Eventually he and Ferahgo breach the fortress, only to be attacked by a tribe of Guosim shrews, Samkim, Mara, and Urthwyte the Mighty. Ferahgo dies, but Klitch survives by hiding under two slain vermin he killed. After the great battle, he emerges from beneath them and begins to plan his future. Not having drank anything for a while, Klitch finds a water barrel in the fortress and drinks from it. He dies nearly instantly, due to the poison placed in it earlier under Ferahgo's order.

Characters in Martin the Warrior

Badrang the Tyrant

Badrang the Tyrant is an anthropomorphic stoat and the main villain. Badrang's voice was provided in the animated series by Diego Matamoros and by Simon Smithies in the full-cast audiobook.

A former pirate captain, Badrang abandoned life at sea and began building a fortress known as Marshank. Capturing numerous slaves, including a young mouse named Martin the Warrior, he also stole the Sword of Martin. Badrang kept Martin captive for years, but eventually the young warrior escaped. Badrang then faced humiliation, as a group of traveling performers escaped with his slaves and his fortress was stolen from him by a rival stoat captain named Tramun Clogg.

Sneaking back inside with his troops through a slave's escape tunnel, Badrang reclaimed Marshank, adding his rival's crew to his legion by offering them death, slavery, or horde membership, and putting the rival to work building the fortress. Badrang then was placed under siege, as a motley band of former slaves and traveling performers attacked Marshank. Not giving in, Badrang managed to slay Felldoh, one of the prime members, who had charged out to offer him single combat long before the others arrived.

Badrang's luck ran out when Martin returned from a long journey to Noonvale, with an army of free creatures in tow that numbered as great as Badrang's horde in number, and had odds of 2 to 1 in skill. Overwhelming Marshank's defenses, the group threatened to slay Badrang. The stoat was attacked by Laterose (also known as Rose) of Noonvale (Martin's love) with her sling loaded as he tried to escape, but Badrang angrily threw the maiden against the wall, killing her.

Badrang as killed when Martin plunged the sword Badrang had so long held into the stoat's chest after the death of Rose.

Badrang's main weapon was Luke the Warrior's sword. He was a cunning strategist who was not above fighting dirty, such as using poisoned weapons or killing his own lackeys.

Badrang's Horde Members


Felldoh is an anthropomorphic squirrel. He was voiced by Ali Mukaddam in the animated series.

Felldoh was imprisoned by Badrang the Tyrant as an infant, along with his father, Barkjon. He grew up witnessing violent acts by Badrang, such as cold-blooded killings and beatings. As a result he lost sensitivity to watching or committing violence. He also expressed a hatred of Badrang and swore he would one day escape Badrang's fort, Marshank, and personally kill the evil corsair. Just before the battle at the end of the book, Felldoh attempts to kill Badrang by beating him with a javelin, and nearly succeeds. Badrang, however, has his soldiers kill Felldoh. Felldoh's friends, Keyla, Brome, and Tullgrew, who had decided to spy on him, rushed to his body and carried it away. Later, Barkjon tearfully says, "They can't hurt him now." Felldoh's death, along with the death of Laterose and others, was avenged when Martin the Warrior killed Badrang.

Felldoh is currently the only non-badger character besides Martin the Warrior, Matthias, and Ranguvar Foeseeker in the series to exhibit Bloodwrath-like characteristics when he almost kills Badrang.


Laterose's younger brother.


Laterose (also known as by Rose) is a female mouse and was Martin the Warrior's companion throughout the book Martin the Warrior. She was Martin's love interest and died in the end of book, killed by Badrang the Tyrant.

Martin the Warrior (Character)

See main article.

Tramun Clogg

Tramun Clogg (or Tramun Josiah Cuttlefish Clogg as referred by the TV series) is an anthropomorphic, fat, pirate stoat. He was voiced by John Stocker on the animated TV series, and by Dave Foode in the full-cast audiobook.

A pirate captain and former associate of Badrang the Tyrant, Clogg commands the vessel Seascarab. Clogg's trademark is a massive pair of wooden clogs, and every available bit of hair on his body is braided. He worked with Badrang for an unknown period of time before they became separated, Badrang going on to build Marshank.

Clogg later shows up at Marshank seeking slaves to crew his ship and revenge on his former partner-in-crime Badrang. The two play at an alliance for a while, but each is actually seeking to put an end to the other. Clogg suffers much humiliation from Badrang, having the Seascarab sunk and letting the Rambling Rosehip Players into Marshank where they stole away the slaves. Clogg chases after them, but fails to catch them.

Later, when conflict begins between Badrang's horde and the Fur and Freedom Fighters - a resistance formed of former slaves and the Players - Clogg manages to trick his way into control of Marshank while Badrang is away. However, it is only temporary, as Badrang sneaks back in, retakes control and puts Clogg to work as a slave. Clogg's crew is forced into joining Badrang's horde, and Clogg continues to be a nuisance, weakening the morale of the vermin by making seemingly insane prophecies and ghostly voices.

After Badrang dies at the paws of Martin the Warrior, a mad Clogg emerges from under a wheelbarrow and talks to his, among other dead horde members' corpses.

Tramun Clogg's Crew

Characters in The Bellmaker

Joseph the Bellmaker

Joseph the Bellmaker is an anthropomorphic mouse in Brian Jacques' Redwall novels Mariel of Redwall and The Bellmaker. He was voiced by Gordon Hall in the full-cast audiobook of Mariel of Redwall.

A skilled bellmaker, Joseph is the father of Mariel. He was commissioned to create the then unnamed Joseph Bell for Badger Lord Rawnblade Widestripe of Salamandastron. However, in the journey to deliver the bell, Joseph's ship ran afoul of Gabool the Wild. The Searat King took Joseph hostage, and wanted him to construct a tower so he could use the bell himself. Joseph refused, and Gabool threw him out of a window on the island of Terramort.

Joseph was then saved by a fellow enemy of Gabool, a vole named Tan-Loc. The two hid, and formed a resistance force from freed slaves. By using secret tunnels under the island, they were able to steal needed supplies and weapons. Joseph's life in hiding came to an end when Mariel returned to Terramort in the company of Lord Rawnblade, Dandin the Sword Carrier, and various others. Banding together, they attacked Gabool's fortress, and killed the evil searat. Joseph then came to live at Redwall, and his bell was given to the Abbey.

Some seasons later, Martin the Warrior gave Joseph a dream of Mariel, who had departed to the south with Dandin. Together with Rufe Brush, Durry Quill, and other Redwallers, Joseph set sail for the kingdom of Southsward aboard the vessel Pearl Queen. Whilst journeying, Joseph became great friends with the captain, Finnbarr Galedeep. Eventually, the group arrived, and Joseph along with his companions form Redwall and Southsward battle and kill the evil Urgan Nagru. After the battle Finnbarr is badly wounded by a spear in his side. Joseph placed Finnbarr's swords in his hands and faced him towards the sea as the brave sea otter lay dying. Joseph stayed on at Southsward, though he would later visit his friends at the Abbey.

Joseph was a gray-furred mouse of great age. Despite this, he was incredibly limber, and wielded an assortment of weapons, usually daggers or a stave.

Urgan Nagru

Urgan Nagru is an anthropomorphic fox.

Urgan's real name is unknown, as he took his first name and reversed last name from a dead wolf named Urgan. Claiming to have killed the wolf, and wearing its skin and skull as trophies, Urgan also called himself Foxwolf. However, he had actually skinned the already dead wolf. Despite this, he was a fierce fighter, his chosen weapon being metal hooks replacing the claws of the slain wolf in the skin he wore. After conquering the northern lands, he sailed with his horde to the southern country of Southsward.

Taking over the local monarch's palace, Urgan attempted to establish domination over the land. However, he found opposition in the form of Redwall warriors and their shrew allies from the north, as well as an army of local squirrels, moles, and hedgehogs. When his army was beaten, he tried to escape, but found himself forced into battle with the sea otter Finnbarr Galedeep. Despite the otter being mortally wounded by one of Urgan's horderats, he was able to overcome Foxwolf in combat, bashing the would-be dictator's head into a nearby tree and driving the fangs of the head-mounted wolf skull into the fox's brain.

Urgan's only known family was his mate, Silvamord, who was killed before him in a battle to hold the castle they had conquered.

Urgan Nagru's Horde


Blaggut is a searat who was originally boatswain of the ship Pearl Queen. He and his captain, Slipp, were the only ones to survive their ship being taken. The two found their way to Mossflower, where they came across the mousebabe and Furrtil the molemaid. Blaggut took a liking to the two Dibbuns and prevented Slipp from harming them. Oak Tom and Treerose, squirrels, found the two searats and two Dibbuns. Slipp claimed that he was a cook and Blaggut a carpenter and they were taken to Redwall Abbey.

At the Abbey, Slipp tried to find the treasure of Redwall, but he and Blaggut are scared off by Simeon, who they thought was a black shadow. Blaggut discovered he does have carpentry skills when he made two little boats out of an empty barrel for Furrtil and the mousebabe. In return for making the boats, the two Dibbuns revealed where the secret treasure of Redwall was but it turned out to be just toys.

In anger, Slipp murdered Mother Mellus and the two searats left Redwall. Out in Mossflower, Blaggut killed Slipp for killing Mellus then returned to Redwall with the chalice Slipp had stolen. He explained what happened and decided to move to a cove by the sea where he would spend his life building boats. Blaggut occasionally visited Redwall Abbey, such as the time when he reported the group that had left Redwall had returned.

Characters in Outcast of Redwall

Swartt Sixclaw

Swartt Sixclaw is an anthropomorphic ferret warlord.

The sworn enemy of Sunflash the Mace, Swartt's trademark is his left paw, which has six claws. This paw was left dead after a battle with Sunflash, but Swartt covered it in mail to serve as a weapon in battle. Swartt pursued his foe over a great distance, but eventually decided that he needed help. Going to the camp of a local Warlord, Swartt poisoned him and seized control of his horde, taking the Warlord's daughter as his bride.

Swartt continued to chase Sunflash, adding a band of foxes originally led by Shang Damsontongue to his horde. His wife gave birth to a young ferret, and then died. Paying no attention, Sixclaw gave the child to an old horde member to raise. Thus, he cared not when the old one died and his infant son was taken to Redwall Abbey by a young mouse maid named Bryony.

After many seasons, Swartt caught up with Sunflash at the mountain of Salamandastron. Challenging his foe's forces, Swartt lost most of his horde, and was forced to flee. Sunflash pursued, but was captured before he could slay Swartt. At the same time, Swartt's son, named Veil, joined up with him, both despising each other and planning to slay the other. This was later Swartt's downfall, as Veil stopped him from slaying Bryony, who had just freed the captured Sunflash, by sacrificing his own life to save her. The vengeful badger threw his foe off the cliff, and Swartt died, putting an end to the name of Sixclaw.

Veil Sixclaw

Veil Sixclaw is the ferret son of Swartt Sixclaw. In the book, Veil has to choose on whose side to fight - against the kind Redwallers who cared for him as a baby, or against his true father.

Veil was born to Swartt Sixclaw, the evil warlord in the book, and Bluefen, Swartt's wife. Swartt cared very little for his wife (and Veil), seeing that it was tradition for a new Warlord to receive the old Warlord's daughter as a wife. Swartt had killed Bluefen's father, Bowfleg, to win the horde for himself.

Veil came to Redwall due to a battle near the Abbey itself. Swartt, hunting down Sunflash the Mace, decided to go down the main path in Mossflower Woods. Skarlath, Sunflash's friend, sees Swartt and his horde going down the path, and flies ahead to warn the Redwallers. After meeting with them, a squirrel devises a plan to gather an army of squirrel archers and otter slingers - what he called an "invisible army". The army engaged in battle with Swartt's horde, and pushed them to the west side of the path. In the haste to get out of the line of fire, Veil's elderly caretaker drops him, and dies. Veil is then found by the squirrel after the battle, and is taken back to Redwall.

At Redwall, Veil is raised by a mousemaid named Bryony. He is mischievous, but as he grows older, he becomes more malicious, and is banished by the Badger Mother, Bella of Brockhall, after unsuccessfully attempting to poison Friar Bunfold. Bryony and Bella speculate, however, that the mistrust of the other Abbey inhabitants on account of Veil being a ferret contributed to his behavior, and Bryony, believing him to be good at the bottom, follows him. Later in the novel, Veil and Bryony encounter Swartt, who tries to kill her with a poisoned javelin. Veil leaps in front of her, taking the javelin and dying instead.

Shang Damsontongue

Shang Damsontongue is an anthropomorphic fox.

Shang was a large, tough-looking leader of the foxes of the Gorge, wielding a bolas, a four-thonged weapon with rounded pebbles fastened to its ends. Her name originated from her tongue, which was bright purple. Shang was poisoned by Swartt Sixclaw after he had offered her joint leadership of his horde, causing her foxes to join Swartt.

Characters in Pearls of Lutra


Piknim is an anthropomorphic mouse who was a close friend of Craklyn. She was good at solving riddles and helped to recover the Pearls of Lutra from their hiding places. She was killed by jackdaws at St. Ninian's church.

Martin II

Martin is the son of Mattimeo and Tess Churchmouse and the grandson of Matthias. Martin the Second was named for the first great warrior of Redwall. A tall, kindly mouse, Martin is a friend to all residents of Redwall Abbey. He spent many years honing his skills by aiding local woodlanders, including helping the Guosim shrews fend off robber foxes.

Martin was the third mouse ever to have suffered an attack of the Bloodwrath (Martin the warrior was the first, in his battle against the wildcat Tsarmina, and Matthias was the second). When Lask Frildur hurtled the lens-free glasses that had belonged to the Abbot, Martin attempted, in the Bloodwrath, to leap over the wall and slay the Monitor general. He would have done so, were it not for the restraint of the badger Auma and the current Skipper of otters. Auma later recalled that he had possessed strength equivalent to that of a Badger Lord in the same Bloodwrath, and that Skipper had been forced to knock Martin unconscious. Martin later journeyed to do battle with Ublaz Mad-Eyes, the pine marten emperor who sought the Tears of All Oceans. Ublaz's troops had made the major mistake of kidnapping Redwall's Abbot, and Martin came hot on their heels with a group of companions. He engaged Ublaz to a mortal duel, and, retreating after a vicious blow, the emperor stepped upon a sleeping coral snake. The snake bit him several times before slithering back into its stone tank. Upon returning home, Martin swore fealty to Redwall's new Abbess, Tansy.

Like his namesake, Martin the Second never married or had children. He presumably died of old age, and his position was passed down to Arven the squirrel.


Romsca was a pirate ferret sent by Ublaz Mad-Eyes to fetch the pearls, which were in Redwall Abbey. Romsca was forced to travel with a monitor lizard named Lask Frildur, whom she hated. In Mossflower Lask Frildur's monitors caught a mouse and a bank vole, Durral and Viola. She befriended Durral and protected him. In the end she and Lask fought to the death. She killed the monitor, but was left with spine injuries so severe she died. Her dying words were her telling Durral how she wished she could be a good beast and gave him directions to Sampetra because it was too late to turn back. Durral claims to see her in fields when he slept.

Romsca, despite her somewhat minor role, was unusually popular.(cn)

Characters in The Long Patrol

Russa Nodrey

Russa Nodrey is an anthropomorphic squirrel.

Russa was given the surname "Nodrey" due to her lack of a drey, or home, because no one could agree or knew where she was from. She was a wandering female squirrel warrior who carried a powerful hardwood stick as a weapon. It was later inherited by Russano the Wise, whom Russa saves from a party of vermin when he is a badger babe at the cost of her life. She and a young hare named Tammo De Formello Tussock search for the Long Partol, a group of hares who patrol areas around their mountain, Salamandastron. The badger lord of Salamandastron at that time is Lady Crega Rose Eyes. She is cursed with the Bloodwrath, something common in all badger warriors in which one can't control oneself in a rage of battle. After Tammo and Russa locate and join up with the Long Patrol, they learn that an evil band of vermin, called Rapscallion, are parading right towards Redwall, an abby in the wood of Mossflower. They have to defend Redwall against attack. In the journey to Redwall, Russa's life ends by protecting the badger babe they named Russano. In the end, Tammo finds himself with the Long Patrol fighting for freedom against the Rapscallion army.

Midge Manycoats

Midge Manycoats is an anthropomorphic hare.

Midge was a male hare of the Long Patrol under Lady Cregga Rose Eyes. He was shorter than the average hare, and worked as a master of disguise under Major Perigord Habile Sinistra. He infiltrated the enemy camp and posed as a seer, tricking the warchief, Damug Warfang, into battling elsewhere instead of at Redwall Abbey. Before leaving the camp, he assisted with the rescue of Fourdun.

Damug Warfang

Damug Warfang is an anthropomorphic rat, and the main antagonist.

Damug Warfang was Firstblade and leader of the Rapscallion army. After the death of his father, Gormad Tunn, Damug cheated (with the help of a stoat named Lugworm) to win a contest against his brother Byral Fleetclaw for leadership of the horde. Lugworm also helped Damug rig the throwing of the Rapscallion sword so that it landed land side up, signalling that the army should turn inland.

Damug had the chance to conquer Redwall Abbey, as his scouts had seen that the south wall had collapsed, but a disguised Midge Manycoats informed him of a "better" place to stage the battle. His Rapscallions greatly outnumbered the Abbey residents and the hares of the Long Patrol fighting with them. He could have won had he not ordered his troops to stop fighting and imprison their opponents. But that momentary delay gave Cregga Rose Eyes enough time to sweep in with her hares. Struggling, Cregga and Damug fell off the ridgetop, killing the Firstblade, but injuring the Badger Lady so severely that she was permanently blinded in the process.

Rapscallions in Damug's Army

Characters in Marlfox

Songbreeze Swifteye

Daughter of Jangular Swifteye and Rimrose, and grand-daughter of Ellayo Swifteye, Song is a squirrel who's family is partially nomadic and travels to Redwall along with her family after encountering the two Marlfoxes Vannan and Ascrod.

Characters in Legend of Luke

Luke the Warrior

Luke the Warrior is an anthropomorphic mouse, best known as the father of Martin the Warrior in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. During Martin's flashback scenes in Martin the Warrior, Luke's voice is and provided by Colin Bean.

He was born in Saint Ninian's Church, in Mossflower Woods south of what is now Redwall Abbey. However, with the arrival of the wildcat Verdauga Greeneyes, as a child he was forced away from his home. He became the chief of a tribe of nomadic mice, who soon settled in caves on the frigid northland shore. Soon after settling, his wife, Sayna, gave birth to Martin, who was always groping for his father's sword. While lighting a bonfire to celebrate his son's birth, Luke's tribe was attacked by Vilu Daskar's corsairs, who killed Sayna and other members of the tribe.

Luke, furious at the loss, began making plans for his revenge. He crafted weapons for fighting the pirates, and kept observations of their activities. His closest confident was his little son Martin, who grew up learning his father's love of battle and knowledge of fighting. Eventually, Luke and his allies ambushed a landing pirate ship, taking it over and repairing it in preparation to go after Vilu Daskar. During this time, his son Martin attempted to adopt a pirate sword for himself, but Luke had him throw it away, since Luke's own sword was his inheritance. Luke also told his son, to Martin's displeasure, that he would not be coming on the journey. In a fit of tears, Martin told Luke to name the ship Sayna after his mother.

Upon leaving, Luke left Martin his sword, leaving Timballisto in charge of the tribe. He told Martin to keep his sword safe, to use it in the defense of others, and to never let any creature take it from him. Once this was done, he sailed off, vowing to return one day.

Luke and his companions journeyed for many weeks, trailing Vilu Daskar. They faced several obstacles, including storms and an island wherein dwelt a tribe of murderous vermin and a giant snake. Unfortunately, Luke's ship was spotted by Daskar, and he laid an ambush for the Sayna, destroying her and killing most of the crew. Luke and a handful of others survived, Luke climbing aboard and attempting to throttle Daskar. He was pried off, and placed below in the oars.

Luke vowed to slay Daskar, and met a fellow warrior named Ranguvar Foeseeker. The two, along with the other slaves and a couple of Luke's comrades who had survived, planned to escape. Luke tricked Daskar into thinking he knew the location of a hidden treasure, buried by his tribe, and convinced the pirate to let him steer them that way. He headed for the shoreline where his tribe dwelt, hoping that his by now grown son Martin would be able to aid him.

To Luke's shock, the shore was deserted. Taking a new course of action, he turned the ship towards the nearby tall rocks. Giving the signal to attack, he grabbed Daskar and began strangling him as the ship headed for the rocks. Ranguvar, free from her chains, helped fight off the pirates as the ship smashed into the rocks, breaking in half. One half, carrying Luke's surviving companions, became wedged in the rocks. The other, upon which Luke and Ranguvar fought, sank to the bottom of the sea.

Young Martin did not learn of his father's fate until years later, when he set out on a journey to find out what had become of his father. He found Luke's comrades aboard the wedged half of the vessel, named Arfship because of being broken in half. After hearing the account, Martin looked at a bag of things that had belonged to his mother, and took out a small colored stone. He dropped it into the sea, as a farewell gift to his father and Ranguvar.

Luke's sword would be passed down among the warriors of Redwall. His grandfather was also named Martin, and Luke was the third of his family to carry the sword. A tapestry of this Martin, the image of his great-grandson, became the centerpiece for the great Redwall tapestry.

Sayna's Crew

Vilu Daskar

Vilu Daskar is an anthropomorphic stoat.

Daskar is the captain of the largest corsair vessel ever to sail the seas, the red ship Goreleech. Despite being a corsair, he is quite refined, and his wardrobe of royal finery is quite the opposite of ragged pirate garb. He spent years traveling the seas, plundering and capturing slaves to work his ship's oars. Because of his thorough eradication and intimidation of those who stood against him, he never had any enemies.

None, that is, until he made the mistake of attacking the tribe of Luke the Warrior. Vilu's horde sailed in while Luke and his warrior comrades were away, killing many of the tribe, including Luke's wife Sayna. Upon his return, Luke swore vengeance on the stoat. Capturing a pirate vessel, the Warrior and his allies sailed after Daskar. Captain Daskar learned of their pursuit, and laid an ambush for them. The trap worked, and their ship was destroyed and most of the crew killed. Luke and two others were taken captive. Two others survived and tried to rescue them.

Daskar believed a ruse engineered by Luke about the location of a non-existent treasure. The Goreleech sailed towards the tall rocks near the shore where Luke's tribe had lived, the supposed location of the treasure. Upon arriving at the destination, Luke steered the ship towards the rocks, and grabbed Daskar, throttling him. Daskar's crew, trying to rescue their captain, were set upon by Luke's remaining comrades and the freed slaves, led by the berserker Ranguvar Foeseeker. The ship crashed against the rocks, one half becoming wedged between them, the other-with Daskar, Luke, and Ranguvar aboard-sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Daskar's weapon of choice was a bone-handled scimitar, with a matching knife.

Vilu Daskar's Crew

Ranguvar Foeseeker

Ranguvar Foeseeker is an anthropomorphic squirrel. She was a powerful beast, the heart of a Badger in the body of a squirrel. She was captured by the crew of the Goreleech and forced to help row the ship, and went down fighting with Luke the Warrior when their half of the ship sank into the depths of the North Sea.

Characters in Lord Brocktree


Ruro was an anthropomorphic squirrel in the book Lord Brocktree.

Ruro was a female squirrel and part of Jukka the Sling's squirrel tribe. When Fleetscut asked for aid in Lord Stonepaw's battle against the usurping Wildcat, Ungatt Trunn, Ruro was the most receptive of his plea.

Ruro journeyed with Jukka, Fleetscut, and the squirrel tribe to the court of King Bucko, where the group met up with Lord Brocktree and his companions. Together, they raised an army and launched an assault upon the mountain of Salamandastron, which was at that time occupied by Ungatt Trunn, Lord Stonepaw having died some time earlier.

When Jukka was slain in the catacombs beneath the mountain, Ruro succeeded her as leader of the tribe.

Ungatt Trunn

Ungatt Trunn is an anthropomorphic wildcat and the main antagonist.

His army was mostly the "Blue Hordes", which consisted of various blue painted vermin - mainly rats.

Trunn was from an unnamed land far across the sea, His father was Mortspear and his brother was Lord Verdauga Greeneyes. Verdauga had a daughter, Tsarmina, and a son, Gingivere. Assembling a massive army dubbed the Blue Hordes for their blue-dyed fur, Trunn set sail across the ocean planning to conquer Salamandastron, the fortress of the Badger Lords. This force is known for having thousands of soldiers, far more than any army ever seen in the Redwall world. The hordes also had a very large number of ships.

When his armada was just off the shore of Salamandastron, Trunn's second in command landed first and demanded the surrender of the mountain fortress. Lord Stonepaw refused and the wildcat's army came ashore.

After a long battle, Ungatt Trunn captured the mountain, killing many of the hares that guarded it. Stonepaw hid with a small group of hares in the caves beneath Salamandastron. Despite a succession of defeats during a short guerilla war in which Stonepaw died, the wildcat's forces remained strong, but almost all Ungatt Trunn's army deserted him when Lord Brocktree's army arrived. After being challenged by the badger to single combat, Trunn was defeated and his body was cast out to sea by his own seer.

Ungatt Trunn was a good fighter and a brilliant general. His weapons of choice were the net and trident and he enjoyed dark, cobwebbed rooms with the presence of spiders. It was possible that he was an ancestor of the wildcat Riggu Felis, who would become the primary antagonist of the later book High Rhulain.

Whenever Trun is spoken to or questioned by another creature, either he or one of his soldiers claims that creatures "of the lower orders" are not worthy to speak to him. He was apparently used to scaring opponents into submission, as he attempted to have Salamandastron surrendered to him by making the stars "fall" from the sky, and making the earth shake. This was done through trickery and illusions, though it was apparently still impressive. Trunn is capable of expressing a grudging respect for the courage of the opponents facing him, such as the fighting Hares of Salamandastron, and has a higher opinion of a courageous opponent then of the subservient vermin in his service - which in no way prevents Trunn from cruel and ruthless acts against his foes, if he deems this expedient.

Ungatt Trunn is one of the few invaders to enter Salamandastron, and the only one to actually conquer it.

Characters in Taggerung

Deyna (The Taggerung)

Deyna is the main character of the story, an impressively built anthropomorphic otter. Although he is trained by a vermin horde for most of his youth, he is not violence-oriented, and seems incapable of lying. He is an upright young man with the impulse to do what is right.

Deyna is the son of the otter Rillflag, who is murdered in an ambush while completing a birth ritual with him. Deyna is captured by Vallug Bowbeast, Rillflag's murderer, when Sawney Rath is told by a seer that he is the next "Taggerung," a deadly warrior not seen for many seasons. Tagg, as Deyna is renamed, realizes, however, that he is unwilling to kill for sport, or at all. He eventually runs away and leaves behind the group of vermin that had captured him. When he reaches Redwall Abbey, however, he is captured and locked up, having been mistaken for a Juska vermin because of his intricate tattoos. He is then released impulsively by the assistant cook, Broggle, and he goes off to confront Eefera and Vallug Bowbeast, slaying both, but not before being struck by an arrow by Vallug. After the conflict settles, though, he is taken to see the local "otterfixer," who removes his tattoos and the arrow he still bears.

Nimbalo the Slayer

Nimbalo the Slayer is an anthropomorphic mouse. He was voiced by Sam Donovan in the full-cast audiobook.

Nimbalo was born into a farming family. However, his mother left when he was very young, and his father was cruel and abusive. After enduring seasons of this, Nimbalo had enough, fighting back and running off on his own. Seeking to prove that he could no longer be beaten or pushed around, he adopted a tough guy attitude. Taking the nickname Slayer, he told many tales of his exploits, most of which were completely false.

Nimbalo eventually met up with Deyna the otter, and the two became fast friends and traveling companions. Opposing the forces of Deyna's former captors, the Juska clan, the two made their way through Mossflower Wood. Along the way, the two came across Nimbalo's old home, and Deyna accompanied his friend to see his father. Unfortunately, the Juska squad they'd been tracking had been through, and had killed Nimbalo's father. Nimbalo grieved, cleaned up and locked the house, swearing vengeance.

The two made their way to Redwall Abbey, where Nimbalo was captured by the Juska. Breaking free, he slew the rat who killed his father and took back his fathers axe. During the battle, Deyna was wounded, and it was from Deyna's mother that Nimbalo learned his friend's true identity: not the Taggerung, or Tagg as he had been called, but Deyna. Nimbalo was rather disappointed by the name, and wanted to start calling him Deyna the Dangerous. However, Deyna's mother threatened to tell everyone that his own name was Nimbalo the Nuisance. Nimbalo joined Deyna living at Redwall, eventually becoming the director of music. He took up the position from a hare, and learned to play the haredee gurdee, a complex instrument.

Nimbalo's weapon of choice was his father's battleaxe, which he liberated from his father's killer.


Broggle, the assistant Abbeycook, is an anthropomorphic squirrel. Being an aspiring cook to succeed Friar Bobb, he has a not surprisingly plump frame, and is a sedentary character.

At first, Broggle has no ability to speak confidently. Whenever someone asks him a direct question, he tries his best to answer, but stammers often and is difficult to understand. When Boorab the Fool shows up, however, he teaches Broggle to sing, which he finds a natural talent in. Before too long, Broggle has no trouble at all talking, and in fact enjoys it.

Characters in Triss


Triss (Trisscar) is an anthropomorphic squirrelmaid from the novel Triss. After escaping from slavery, she becomes the first female character to bear the Sword of Martin.

Pure Ferrets

The so-called Pure Ferrets are the antagonists of the novel. The Pure Ferrets rule over Riftgard, a kingdom to the north of Mossflower Woods. Like many of the various regimes established in the saga, they maintain a horde of slaves and ratguards to do their bidding. The Royal House of Riftgard, their proper title, is also known for its own form of script, which it is said only Pure Ferrets can read. This script is inscribed into many pieces of their property, including the royal crown and ring. They speak with a European, possibly German accent. They seem to a reminiscence of World War II Nazis, for they share many similarities: The Pure Ferrets are white and call themselves pure (Nazis considered the Aryan race to be the whitest and purest of all), they spoke with thick (if not overly exaggerated) German accents and they enslaved other creatures, possibly because they considered them inferior.


King Sarengo was the first ruler of Riftgard. He, his son, and a group of ratguards took the fateful journey to Mossflower woods which ended with his death in the coils of a mother adder, who he in turn killed by breaking her spine between his jaws. The only survivor of the trip was his hydrophobic, blubbering son, Agarnu, who lost a leg in the journey back to his home. It is mentioned that Sarengo carried a spiked ball and chain mace as his choice weapon. This weapon caused the joining of the terrifying adder trio who gained his royal crown and pawring.


Agarnu was the son of Sarengo and the father of Bladd and Kurda. He is depicted as a fat, one legged ruler, constantly dealing with the squabbles of his offspring. He sent them off to reclaim his father's royal symbols so that he could show his rightful place as ruler of Riftguard. However, his plans are crushed as the boat that docks at his kingdom does not contain his children and his prizes, but Triss and a band of liberators. His litter carriers then promptly set him afloat in his chair, and as he pleads for mercy, his own weight carries him to the bottom of the sea.


The main villain, Kurda is skilled with a sabre and quite greedy, attempting to seize power from her father when she acquires the royal pawring and crown of Riftgard. She is cruel to all the slaves under her fathers rule, having them locked up and beaten often. She gains a dangerous enemy when she runs Drufo through as Triss and her friends make their escape. She resents her brother Bladd to no end, and the two constantly squabble like small children, Kurda often threatening him with her blades. She is eventually killed in Mossflower when she falls on her own blade while being pursued by Triss.


The fat and simple brother to Kurda, Bladd is King Agarnu's son. He is childlike and constantly fights with Kurda, often hiding behind guards or their father while he teases his dangerous sister. He befriends the freebooters that take him and his sister to Mossflower, to the disgust of Kurda. He is eager to help his pirate friends to get into Redwall but is killed when the Redwallers pour boiling oatmeal on him, the pot breaking his skull.


Zassiliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra are the three adders in Triss. They were bound together by King Sarengo's mace and chain landing on their tails. Zassiliss is the eldest snake. He wears King Agarnu's ring as a crown and is bound in the center of the group. Harssacss, brother of Zassiliss and Sesstra, was bound to the right of Zassiliss. Sesstra, sister of Zassiliss and Harssacss, the only daughter of Berussca, was bound with her brothers at the left of Zassiliss.

Berussca was locked in battle with King Sarengo when she died. The poison of Berussca slew King Sarengo.

Characters in Loamhedge

Raga Bol

Raga Bol is an anthropomorphic rat from the novel Loamhedge.

Raga Bol was a tall and sinewy searat with green eyes. His ship was wrecked on the northeast coast of Mossflower, and there he lost his left paw in a battle with Lonna Bowstripe. The badger, sorely wounded, swore revenge on Bol, and Bol spent the rest of his life in morbid fear of all badgers. Raga Bol replaced his missing paw with a silver hook.

Bol led his crew inland after finding out that Lonna was still alive, hoping to defeat his sworn enemy. He was plagued by visions and poor sleep, driving him to finally consult a seer, who advised him to send assassins out for Lonna. However, they were foiled by the powerful badger. Raga Bol's crew later captured two stoats from another vermin gang. Bol was about to roast them two alive, but they promised him booty, loot and magic swords, if he would follow them to Redwall Abbey. Bol tried several times to enter the Abbey, but had no luck. Among his strategies were trying to climb through a window and burning down the front door itself. When Lonna arrived at the Abbey, the besiegers quickly became the besieged. Bol realised that all hope of taking the Abbey had been shattered, and decided that survival and escape now came first. He challenged Lonna to single combat, but not before he instructed his crew to throw spears and kill the badger if things were going badly.

Lonna got Raga Bol in a death grip almost immediately. In addition, four spears thrown by his own crew thudded into his back, making sure he was well and truly dead. The rest of his crew was hunted down and killed by the vengeful Badger Lord.

Raga Bol's Crew

Bragoon and Saro

Bragoon and Sarobando, Brag and Saro for short, are a pair of fictional characters from the Redwall novel series. Bragoon is an anthropomorphic otter, while Sarobando is a squirrel.

Bragoon and Saro lived at Redwall Abbey when they were young. They were renowned Dibbun troublemakers, always pulling pranks and getting into mischief. It was a relief to all when they departed to rove the world. They had many adventures through the long seasons, traveling all throughout the country surrounding Redwall. During this time, Bragoon was briefly a Skipper of Otters, but Saro wasn't too fond of the idea, so he gave it up.

Bragoon and Saro finally returned to Redwall many seasons later. Whilst there, they learned of the plight of a young hare named Martha Braebuck, and resolved to help her. The two set off for Loamhedge Abbey, Bragoon carrying the Sword of Martin. However, they were followed by Martha's brother, Hortwill Braebuck, and his two friends. The lifelong friends found themselves hard pressed to put up with the young ones.

Along the way, the two had more adventures, including an encounter with Lonna Bowstripe. After reaching Loamhedge, they investigated for the parchment they had been sent to find, which contained a cure for Martha's paralysis. However, they were unable to locate it, and so the two forged one, given away later by Bragoon's poor spelling and Saro's bad handwriting. During the return trip, the two stayed behind to do battle with the forces of Kharanjul, succeeding only to find themselves fatally wounded. The two clasped hands as they passed on, and Martha kept her promise to them, dancing upon Redwall's wall-top with her newfound ability to walk.

Bragoon and Saro were both warriors, and were armed accordingly. Aside from Martin's sword, Bragoon wielded a staff, but could fight quite well with his own limbs. As for Saro, she was skilled with a sling.

In the audiobook of Loamhedge, Bragoon was voiced by Tim Lynskey and Saro by Angela Mounsey.

Characters in Rakkety Tam

Wild Doogy Plumm

Wild Doogy Plumm is an anthropomorphic squirrel. He is voiced by Simon Smithies in the full-cast audiobook.

Doogy Plumm is the best friend of Rakkety Tam MacBurl, and also comes from the northlands. However, because Doogy is a true northlander, while Tam is only a border-dweller, Doogy has a broad accent, reminiscent of that common among natives of Scotland. Doogy met Tam while traveling south, and the two joined forces and pledged their loyalty to Araltum Squirrelking and Idga Drayqueen, two squirrel monarchs who were looking for servants.

Doogy and Tam were imprisoned after disobeying and insulting their masters. However, they were released after Idga's royal banner was stolen by the army of Gulo the Savage, on the condition that they would bring the banner back. Seeking to avenge their fallen comrades and to be released from their oaths to the squirrel monarchs, Doogy and Tam set off after them. Early on, they destroyed Gulo's wrecked ship, only to be taken captive by the Long Patrol of Salamandastron. After they explained their purposes, they joined forces with an army of hares dispatched by Lady Melesme.

Traveling into Mossflower country, Doogy and Tam came to Redwall Abbey. They continued their battle with Gulo's forces, until a point where Doogy was captured and held hostage. Tam engaged Gulo in battle, and defeated the wolverine, freeing Doogy. However, while wielding the Sword of Martin, Tam ruined Doogy's stolen Claymore. As payment, Doogy took Tam's own claymore, which Tam swore was his for a long time afterward.

Many seasons passed afterward, and Doogy became an uncle figure to Tam's daughter Melanda. He taught her the art of swordsmanship, and remarked that she was a better swordsbeast than he and her "great lump of a dad" put together. He and Tam finally returned to the court of the squirrel monarchs, and were released from their oaths. As a result of their freedom, Araltum and Idga's subjects rebelled, and the duo were deposed.

Doogy had an identical armament to that of Rakkety Tam, including a Sgian Dubh, a dirk, a buckler, and a claymore. He was also a proficient boxer, instructed by a hare sergeant during the hunt for Gulo.

Gulo the Savage

Gulo the Savage is an anthropomorphic wolverine. Gulo was voiced by Greg Longridge in the full-cast audiobook. His name is derived from Gulo gulo, the binomial name for the wolverine.

One of two sons of the mighty overlord Dramz, Gulo came from a land of ice across the sea to Mossflower Wood. After killing his father, Gulo sought to take the tortoise known as the Walking Stone, the symbol of power over the icy land. However, Gulo's brother Askor stole the tortoise and fled, burying it in Mossflower before being crushed by a falling tree and dying.

Enraged and insane, Gulo came after with a band of white foxes and ermine. Cannibals all, the band killed eight members of the Long Patrol, along with several squirrels. This provoked the pursuit of other members of the Patrol, as well as the squirrel warriors Rakkety Tam MacBurl and Wild Doogy Plumm. Believing the Walking Stone to be within Redwall Abbey, Gulo headed for the building. However, after an attack by Rakkety Tam's allies, he split his forces, one half attacking the Abbey, the other doing battle with Tam and his friends. The force was decimated by the Long Patrol and their Redwall allies, as well as a force of black birds and a fall down a waterfall.

Surviving, by leaping from the log, Gulo took his remaining troops to Redwall. Tam declared combat on Gulo, who accepted. They met in single combat. The two struggled for some time, and Tam was nearly killed, but managed to defeat Gulo by forcing him onto Tam's shield, whereupon the sharpened edge beheaded the wolverine.

Gulo was a massive beast, the size of a full grown badger. He possessed sharp claws and teeth, and ordinarily wielded no other weapons. The one occasion he did use a weapon was when he dueled Rakkety Tam, using a claymore stolen from Doogy Plumm. He is well known for his ability to survive events that are well known for being "certain death" to all who engage in them.

Gulo's Horde

Characters in High Rhulain

Cuthbert Blanedale Frunk

Cuthbert Blanedale Frunk was an anthropomorphic hare.

Frunk was a Long Patrol hare under Badger Lord Mandoral Highpeak. He wore a waxed mustache and a monocle, and carried a sabre and a swagger stick. His daughter Petunia was brutally murdered by sea-raiding vermin on the shores of Salamandastron, which caused him deep mental trauma to the point of developing a dissociative identity disorder. After his daughter's death, Frunk hunted down the murderers, disposed of them, and took their ship, re-naming it the Purloined Petunia in her honor. He then sailed the seas, looking for fights, and occasionally returning to Salamandastron.

Before his daughter's death, and his descent into madness, Major Blanedale was something of a legend in the Long Patrol, considered a very skilled fighter and perilous warrior. Lord Mandoral referred to Blanedale as "the Deathseeker", telling Tiria Wildlough that Blanedale had become a berserker since the death of his daughter.

Frunk changed personalities and characters a number of times, depending on how he was feeling. In addition to being the Long Patrol Regimental Major, he also believed himself to be the following:

Frunk was responsible for guiding Tiria Wildlough to Badger Lord Mandoral, who gave her the High Rhulain armor. Along with other Long Patrol hares, Frunk and Tiria sailed in the Purloined Petunia to Green Isle, home of Tiria's otter clans. While at Green Isle, Frunk killed the wildcat son of Riggu Felis and those loyal to him in a berserker rage. Following this, he killed the ferocious Slothunog, but was himself killed in the process.

Mandoral Highpeak allowed Frunk's name to live on in a ship he later captured, naming it the Fearless Frunk.

Riggu Felis

Riggu Felis is an anthropomorphic wildcat. He was voiced by Paul Braithwaite in the full-cast audiobook.

Warlord and conqueror of Green Isle, Riggu Felis was a fearsome wildcat, possibly distantly related to Ungatt Trunn. He and his horde of feral cats, descendants of ordinary cats who had joined with their wildcat brethren, took over Green Isle, enslaving many of the otters in residence. Riggu's mate was a feral cat named Kaltag, and he had two sons: the cowardly Jeefra and the bullying Pitru. Riggu was wounded while trying to kill an osprey, and the entire lower half of his face was ripped away, leaving a clear view of the jaws. To hide this wound, Felis donned a chain mail mask that covered the lower half of his face.

Riggu was constantly bickering with his two sons, whom he felt to be unworthy of his name. He tried to goad Jeefra into standing up to his brother, and he put down Pitru's bullying. However, his efforts proved in vain, and during a battle with otter outlaws, Pitru drowned his brother in a nearby lake. Pitru continued to oppose his father, claiming that with his youth and strength he would make a better warlord.

Riggu's problems multiplied as the otter clans grew bolder and his wife became insane over the death of Jeefra. Pitru declared open rebellion on his father, and in the end departed their fortress with several scores of cats. The otter clans were reinforced by the Long Patrol and their new queen, High Rhulain Tiria Wildlough.

Riggu's defeat came abruptly. His wife, trying to kill an otter who had barricaded himself in the fortress whom she blamed for Jeefra's death, set fire to the building. Riggu then saw the osprey who had wounded him before, and hurled his weapon, slaying his nemesis. However, his triumph was short-lived, as Tiria used her sling to kill Riggu. The load: a barbed star, the same which had become stuck in the osprey's mouth when it had fallen into Riggu's trap before.

Riggu's legacy crumbled thereafter. His wife died in the fire, and his last remaining son was killed by a Long Patrol hare and devoured by the monster Slothunog.

Riggu's chosen weapon was a one bladed axe.

Riggu Felis's Horde

Characters in Eulalia!

Orkwil Prink

Orkwil Prink is an anthropomorphic male hedgehog.

Orkwil was abandoned as a babe by his thieving parents and was found and taken into Redwall by Granspike Niblo. He grew up much like his parents: he was a thief and a sneak. Eventually, the Redwallers could take no more of him and exiled him for a season. At first he was thrilled by the idea, but after one night in the woodlands, he felt otherwise due to various mishaps, such as having his supplies stolen by magpies. The following day, he met a grumpy, unnamed watervole. In an attempt to get some food, he worked for the vole. However, the vole cheated him, and threatened to kill him if he did not leave. Then he decided to sleep, only he slept unwittingly into a swamp.

He woke up the next morning half-sunk in the swamp. Clinging to a branch, he shouted for help. Codj and some of Vizka Longtooth's scouts heard his cries and pulled him out of the swamp. When he refused to tell the location of Redwall Abbey, they chained him to the Bludgullet's mast next to Gorath. Being a thief, he was able to pick the lock and escape with Gorath. He was able to get the starving Gorath some food by going to the grumpy watervole's home and scaring him off. The two went to Redwall Abbey, and warned them of Longtooth and his crew. His exile was declared over by Abbot Daucus.

Meanwhile, Vizka had captured the watervole. He has the watervole take him to Redwall, where the watervole is captured during a failed ruse to get Vizka into Redwall. The vole is interrogated, the let go. However, Gorath tells him to lock the gate behind when he (Gorath) leaves secretly to hunt the Sea Raiders.

He is caught sneaking back to the Infirmary, where he was being held. They take him back to the sickbay, but on the way the vole notices Martin's sword. He escapes the Infirmary and steals the sword, killing Sister Atrata in the process. He runs off into the woodlands. Orkwil, along with a squirrel called Rangval the Rogue and a hare called Mad Mugsberry (the Hon.) Thropple (Maudie), (who was sent to find Lord Asheye's successor Gorath) go out in pursuit of the vole and Gorath. The vole is killed by Magger and Vizka kills Magger when he returns to camp and claims the sword for his own. Vizka captures Orkwil and company, and when Vizka, hearing of Gorath's coming to the plateau, rushes off to slay Gorath once and for all, leaving Ruglat, Saltear, and Undril behind to guard the captives. Maudie gets free and frees Rangval and Orkwil, and they easily overpower the three Sea Raiders. Disguising themselves as Sea Raiders, they pursue Vizka.

When they finally catch up to Vizka and his crew at the plateau, Orkwil vanishes. Maudie and Rangval assume him to be dead and carry on to meet up with Gorath. What really happened was that when they were climbing the plateau, Orkwil slipped and hit his head, and blacked out. When he woke up, he heard the battle going on above, and rushed to Redwall, where he persuaded Abbot Daucus to bring some Redwallers to the plateau. They arrive just in time, saving Gorath and his friends. Orkwil followed Gorath to the Bludgullet, and watches him slay Vizka Longtooth. He is named captain of the newly dubbed Eulalia. He is named Abbey Warrior at the end of the book.

Vizka Longtooth

Vizka Longtooth is an anthropomorphic golden fox with overgrown fangs and the main antagonist. Vizka was the Sea Raider captain of his ship, the Bludgullet, and his crew was a motley array of vermin including his brother Codj. He had a cruel personality, as shown when he puts a bowl of soup barely out of Gorath's reach. His weapon of choice was a mace and chain.

He took the badger called Gorath prisoner when he found where Gorath and his grandparents lived on the Northern Isles. He killed Gorath's grandparents and wounded Gorath. When Gorath learned he had slain his grandparents, he swore a blood oath against Vizka. Later on, he captured a hedgehog named Orkwil Prink (who was a thief), who was from Redwall Abbey. Orkwil and Gorath escaped to Redwall, with Vizka hard on their heels. Vizka attacked Redwall, and although he failed, he managed to steal Martin's sword. He eventually joined forces with a Brownrat horde, and went to fight the Redwallers at a plateau. Vizka and five other vermin escaped, but the vermin subsequently deserted Vizka. Vizka met Gorath on board his ship, and Gorath broke his spine, killing him. His ship was then renamed "Eulalia" and is captained by Orkwil.

Vizka's Sea Raiders
